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Grotta Antro del Corchia

 Stazzema (Lucca)

Corchia Underground is a tourist system located in Alta Versilia, within the Regional Park of the Apuan Alps. It is possible to visit the fantastic underground worlds with excursions and guided tours.
Among the main attractions:
-The “Antro del Corchia” cave: this is the largest Karst complex in Italy.
-The "Empty mountain": inside it is possible to find years of geological history.
- “Living Silver Mines”: here it is possible to carry out activities that allow you to retrace old traditions.
- "Folded Stone": dedicated to the use of stone and herbs over the centuries.
- “Lavorare Liberi”: history of the common goods of Levigliani.

Cave Antro del Corchia

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Pian di Fiume farmhouse

Ticket prices, timetables, offers and attractions Grotta Antro del Corchia 2025

Click on the link below to consult the orari di apertura and ticket prices to enter a Grotta Antro del Corchia, attractions, the map and all the 2025 news to organize your day with many offers and promotions.

Official web site Grotta Antro del Corchia

Weather Grotta Antro del Corchia

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Image gallery

The photos of Grotta Antro del Corchia most beautiful and its main attractions to start daydreaming.


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