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Leo Wild Park

 Todi (Perugia)

The Leo Wild Park nature park in Todi, part of the Todini reserve, is located in the green heart of Umbria and a few kilometers from Perugia.
The adventure park is also an educational farm that houses about 150 specimens of different species, protected as endangered or saved from mistreatment. In this magical place you can experience a day in close contact with nature, which will surely leave your children breathless. The zoo safari trail where you can spot the animals is about two kilometers long and winds around two lakes: here it will be possible to meet zebras, flamingos and pelicans, reindeer, dwarf sheep and fawns, and then again ostriches, giraffes and camels, to the delight of your children.
The whole route is suitable for families and can be covered with strollers or prams! Along the way you can also find several benches located in panoramic points and a large picnic area to rest and refresh yourself for new animals to spot.
During the visit it is possible to carry out various activities that also involve the older ones, such as fishing and the preparation of the barbecue, or to go camping at night (by reservation), while for the little ones guided tours and activities are organized in close contact with the children. animals, offering them the opportunity to feed them and walk alongside them.

Leo Wild Park

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Ticket prices, timetables, offers and attractions Leo Wild Park 2025

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Official web site Leo Wild Park

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