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Centro Faunistico Uomini e Lupi

 Entracque (Wedge)

In the Center of the Parco delle Alpi Marittime there is an interesting center of knowledge and documentation dedicated to the wolf: the Men and Wolves Center (developed in two locations).
The first is located in Casermette and includes an area of ​​8 hectares, within which there are specimens of wolves that could not live in freedom because they are victims of accidents or because they were born in captivity. In the center of the area there is a three-storey lookout tower and a documentation center on life, hunting techniques, behaviors, habits ...
The second site is located in Entracque and is dedicated to the man-wolf relationship told by a storyteller through a path that develops in four stages. In each of them are reported the testimonies of hunters, park guards, shepherds, scholars who have had close encounters with this animal. From these stories emerges a truth that is not exactly obvious: the wolf is neither good nor bad ... it attacks other animals only by instinct, as nature wants.

Men and Wolves Wildlife Center

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Official web site Centro Faunistico Uomini e Lupi

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