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Acropark Rio Centa

 Centa San Nicolò (Trento)

Acropark is located in the river park of the Centa stream, just 4km from Caldonazzo in Valsugana.
Consisting of stunning white pebble beaches and beautiful trails created especially for thrilling adventures. The routes are divided according to the difficulty:
-Kid Explorer (very easy)
-Junior Adventure (easy)
-Junior Advanced (easy)
-Emotion (exciting)
-Zip Circle (exciting)
-Braves Only (difficult)
The beauty of this park lies in the fantastic unspoiled and wild valley in which it is located. In fact, the acrobatic routes are carried out with the awareness of the link between physical and mental activity accompanied by harmony and respect for nature. Another very important element is the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), a safety set similar to that used to tackle mountain via ferratas.
No motor in this park, but only a great desire to discover nature and routes composed in order to respect the environment and maximum safety.

Acropark Rio Centa

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Ticket prices, timetables, offers and attractions Acropark Rio Centa 2025

Click on the link below to consult the orari di apertura and ticket prices to enter a Acropark Rio Centa, attractions, the map and all the 2025 news to organize your day with many offers and promotions.

Official web site Acropark Rio Centa

Weather Acropark Rio Centa

Check the weather forecast at Acropark Rio Centa in real time and find out what the weather will be like in the next 7 days in the area with probability of rain, minimum and maximum temperature and wind speed.

Image gallery

The photos of Acropark Rio Centa most beautiful and its main attractions to start daydreaming.


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