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Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio

 Viareggio (Lucca)

The Bim Bum Bam Playground has several attractions such as:
-Roma the master of the world
-Bumper Boat
-Rubber bands
-Baby Park
Upon reservation it is possible to organize your own birthday party where fun is guaranteed by all the rides present.

Playground Bim Bum Bam Viareggio

Back to Agriturismo Pian di Fiume

Pian di Fiume farmhouse

Ticket prices, timetables, offers and attractions Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio 2025

Click on the link below to consult the orari di apertura and ticket prices to enter a Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio, attractions, the map and all the 2025 news to organize your day with many offers and promotions.

Official web site Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio

Weather Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio

Check the weather forecast at Parco Giochi Bim Bum Bam Viareggio in real time and find out what the weather will be like in the next 7 days in the area with probability of rain, minimum and maximum temperature and wind speed.


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