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Il Giardino Sospeso

 Riparbella (Pisa)

The Suspended Garden is an adventure park characterized by acrobatic courses organized in the trees where both children and adults can play. Fun is guaranteed by going along Tibetan bridges, wooden walkways and climbing on nets. Safety in the park is extremely guaranteed.
The organized routes are divided according to the type of difficulty: from green to blue, from red to purple. The acrobatic routes are divided according to height:
-Baby path from 90 to 110 cm in height
- Childrens routes from 110 cm to 140 cm in height
-Adults over 140 cm in height
Among the services offered by the park we find: refreshment point, picnic area with barbecue, children's area, large meeting room and the possibility of catering service.

The Suspended Garden

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Campsite del Forte

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Official web site Il Giardino Sospeso

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