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 Trusses San Gervasio (Bergamo)

Leolandia is the amusement park suitable for all ages and where dreams come true.
The park consists of 6 areas with a total of 40 attractions. Inside the park, children can have the opportunity to find live the cartoon characters they love most including Masha and the Bear, the world of Peppa Pig and the Thomas train. The shows for children such as "sing and dance with Masha and the Bear", "the pillow fight", "Leo and the magic box" etc ... help to make the day even more interesting and the appetizing menus in the refreshment points allow you to keep their bellies at bay.
Access to the 40 rides is allowed based on the size of the child's height (including shoes); up to 89 cm access is free, from 90cm up to 119cm reduced and from 120 cm onwards full.
The amusement park is equipped with comfortable nurseries equipped with changing tables and bottle warmers. And for those taking their first steps, strollers can be rented (paid service).
Not only games, but also the possibility of being outdoors by visiting the educational farm that allows you to see animals of different species, very rare and in danger of extinction. For those who love the world of the abyss it is also possible to see the fantastic Aquarium and for the brave the world of the Reptile.

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Ticket prices, timetables, offers and attractions Leolandia 2025

Click on the link below to consult the orari di apertura and ticket prices to enter a Leolandia, attractions, the map and all the 2025 news to organize your day with many offers and promotions.

Leolandia ticket prices and timetables

Official web site Leolandia

Weather Leolandia

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Image gallery

The photos of Leolandia most beautiful and its main attractions to start daydreaming.


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